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The Babylonian Tablets

A huge part of Babylonian constellations and Zodiac are named after their Gods and Heros, particularly those found in the Enuma Ekish.

The Babylonian Epic - Written on 7 Tablets - called Enuma Elish

The First Tablet

When in the height heaven was not named, And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name, And the primeval Apsu, who begat them, And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them both Their waters were mingled together, And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;

When of the gods none had been called into being, And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained; Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven, Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being... Ages increased,... Then Ansar and Kisar were created, and over them.... Long were the days, then there came forth.... Anu, their son,... Ansar and Anu... And the god Anu... Nudimmud, whom his fathers, his begetters.... Abounding in all wisdom,... He was exceeding strong... He had no rival -- Thus were established and were... the great gods.


The Second Tablet

Tiamat made weighty her handiwork, Evil she wrought against the gods her children. To avenge Apsu, Tiamat planned evil, But how she had collected her forces, the god unto Ea divulged. Ea harkened to this thing, and He was grievously afflicted and he sat in sorrow. The days went by, and his anger was appeased, And to the place of Ansar his father he took his way. He went and, standing before Ansar, the father who begat him, All that Tiamat had plotted he repeated unto him, Saying, "Tiamat our mother hath conceived a hatred for us, With all her force she rageth, full of wrath. All the gods have turned to her, With those, whom ye created, they go at her side. They are banded together and at the side of Tiamat they advance; They are furious, they devise mischief without resting night and day. They prepare for battle, fuming and raging; They have joined their forces and are making war.


The Third Tablet


But Marduk hath set out, the director of the gods, your son; To set out against Tiamat his heart hath prompted him. He opened his mouth and spake unto me, saying: "If I, your avenger, Conquer Tiamat and give you life,


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